Horizontal lines
Modern, automatic lines for chemical and electrochemical treatment of thin plates, films, printed circuits, photovoltaic cells. These lines are used for serial production (e.g. in electronic industry).
Possibility of constructing device in modular build or as segments (sections). Scalability depends on treatment requirements.
Operating chamber and tank are separated elements and this allows for:
- ease of tank capacity changes depending on the needs of the process,
- possibility of constructing device in modular build or as segments,
- scalability depends on treatment requirements,
- facilitated access for service,
- possibility of replacing the tank later without the need for module’s conversion,
- less problems related to thermal expansion,
- reduction in fumes being drawn from the tank,
- module length does not affect the dimensions of the tank.
Precision spray – system.
Designed by us spray-system allows to obtain very good parameters of processed surface. Through appropriately selected nozzles and collectors it’s possible to obtain high definition and evennes of treatment.
Furthermore systems are designed to be easy to operate and maintain.
Transport systems are adapted to photovoltaic cells treatment
- transport ensuring smooth and fluent operating
- one- and double-sided treatment
- minimization of mechanical contact
- adapted for mass production